A secure digital wallet to store and share credentials

CredFolio gives holders full control and access to their credentials
Two mobile devices displaying the credfolio mobile application. One device showing a sample credential with share and print buttons. The other displaying a holder's photograph and a search bar with short-course, first-aid certificate, and employee ID as samples of credentials
One unified wallet
Access and control credentials from any device on the web or mobile (iOS and Android apps available).
Easy link sharing
Create and share verifiable presentations, CVs and portfolios via a unique link.
Share by email
Provide a secure link via email to anyone you choose.
Data protection
Data and credentials are never shared with us nor any third-party.
Job and course applications
In-built verification of credentials speeds up applications for jobs, courses, academic credit, pathways.
Merge accounts
Access all credentials in one place with account merging tools.